The question mark “?” here means the start of the new attributes (like subject, body, cc, etc.) after mailto. Similarly, the subject line is prefixed by ‘ ?subject=‘ (Highlighted above). When you type an email address in the “E-mail Address”, the excel automatically prefixes it with the word ‘ mailto:‘. To answer this, firstly try using the HYPERLINK dialog box to create a link to email (as shown in the below image). Therefore, in the first attribute itself, we need to give the MailTo, CC, Subject as well as Body of the email.īut How to Achieve This – This must be the question in everybody’s mind. Unlike the first one, it is an optional attribute.Īs mentioned in the above section, the first attribute of the HYPERLINK formula structure (“link_location”), is where we enter the destination path. friendly_name denotes the text that you want to display in the lin cell.It is a required attribute in the formula structure. link_location is the path of the destination folder or file or the URL of the web page.The structure of HYPERLINK Formula is like this – HYPERLINK(link_location, ) where: